Senin, 15 Maret 2021

Food to Educate Children

Food to Educate Children - The following is an article that discusses the types of food recommended for children to increase children's intelligence.

The growth period from infancy to adolescence is the most appropriate time to stimulate children's development, including the development of intelligence in their brains.

There are many factors that affect a child's intelligence, starting from heredity, environment and of course the food intake he gets.

If you want your little one to grow up to be a smart child, it is important to pay attention to food intake to support children's brain development and intelligence.

Here are the best foods that can stimulate children's brain development and intelligence.

1. Milk and Derivative Products

Milk, whether breast milk or formula milk, is a healthy drink that is rich in nutrients such as protein, calcium, potassium, vitamins B and D, which act as important nutrients that play a role in the growth of brain tissue, neurotransmitters and enzymes.

Children, ranging from babies to adolescents who are in the process of growing, really need the benefits of milk.

Besides being consumed in the form of milk, you can also provide the benefits of milk to your baby in other forms such as yogurt and cheese.

2. Berries

Berries such as strawberries, raspberries, blueberries and so on contain many nutrients that are important for brain development.

In fact, several studies have shown that strawberries and blueberries can improve memory function in the brain, so that it can improve your little one's memory abilities.

Not only are the flesh of the fruit useful, but the seeds of the berries also contain omega 3 fatty acids, which have been known as a nutrient that plays a role in the development of children's intelligence.

In addition, the antioxidants and vitamin C contained in it can also reduce stress and play a role in boosting immunity and preventing dangerous diseases such as cancer.

3. Eggs

Eggs are the easiest source of protein to obtain and are easy to process. Apart from the low price, eggs can also be varied into a variety of interesting foods for your little one.

Egg yolks are known to contain choline which can help with brain development, especially the development of memory function or memory.

This substance will increase the production of memory stem cells in the brain, and also make children less tired.

However, consumption of eggs should not be too excessive, try to just give one egg to your little one every day.

Because egg yolks also contain cholesterol which is not good for your little one's health if consumed in excess.

4. Nuts

If your little one likes snacking, give him healthy snacks such as nuts. Nuts are one of the foods rich in vitamin E and antioxidants which can act as a protector of brain cells against free radicals.

Apart from being good for the ability to think, nuts can also be a good source of energy because the content of vitamin E and thiamin in them can convert glucose into energy needed by the body.

In fact, from one study, it is known that kidney beans contain lots of omega 3 fatty acids, especially ALA which is important for the growth and development of brain function.

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