Senin, 15 Maret 2021

Toddler Food Menu To Make it More Hearty

Toddler Food Menu To Make it More Hearty - Maybe you have read similar or similar articles, but this article is different because we have taken it from trusted sources, along with the toddler food menu to make it even more hungry.

Starting at the age of two, toddlers begin to become excellent food pickers. Sometimes the same menu does not want to eat more than three times. However, if you are in the mood for one menu, it can be repeated for a full week. For inspiration, here are the food menu choices for toddlers aged 2-5 years for menu variations at home.

Various food menus for toddlers aged 1-5 years
Unlike when a baby or when consuming complementary foods with breast milk (MPASI), at the age of 1 year and over, the variation of your child's menu has increased because he can eat family food.
Even though it makes it easier for you to cook, the menu should be more varied because children get bored easily.

Not to mention that if your little one tends to be a picky eater, your cooking challenges will increase. The following is a food menu for toddlers aged 1-5 years that you can try.
1 year old toddler food menu
Children aged 1 year, can eat family food because he is more adept at chewing various kinds of solid food.

This is because the number of growing children's teeth is usually much higher, making it easier for them to chew.
This 1 year or 12 month old child needs about 1125 calories per day. In addition to providing the main meal, it can be complemented by serving a snack or snack so that these calorie needs are met.
The following is an example of a 1 year old baby food menu recipe according to the child's nutrition:

Chicken liver stew

This food for toddlers is high in iron and can add nutrition to toddlers aged 1 year. Based on Indonesian Food Composition Data, 100 grams of chicken liver contain 15.8 grams of iron and 261 calories.
    1 pair of chicken livers
    1 red onion
    1 garlic clove
    1 hazelnut
    1 teaspoon coriander
    1 bay leaf
    2 cloves
    1 tablespoon of powdered broth
    2 tbsp sweet soy sauce
    1 tbsp brown sugar
    200 ml of water
How to make
Puree shallots, garlic, hazelnut, and coriander.
Saute the spices until fragrant, then add the bay leaves and add water.
Add the chicken liver with cloves, powdered broth, sweet soy sauce, and brown sugar.
Wait until it is cooked and the water is reduced. Taste to check taste.
Serve while warm with rice.

Chicken Soup

This toddler food recipe can be used as a menu for breakfast, lunch, or when he is sick. Eating foods with soup will make his throat fresher. Here are the ingredients for the chicken soup:
    1 tablespoon coconut oil
    1 sliced ​​onion
    1 celery
    2 carrots
    500 ml of chicken stock
    ½ cup brown or white rice (choose according to taste)
    200 grams of chicken thighs that have been cut
How to make
Prepare a saucepan on the stove, turn it on to medium heat then put the coconut oil in it.
Once hot, saute the onions, celery and carrots for 10-15 minutes.
Add chicken stock, then heat until boiling.
Reduce the heat, then put the rice in a saucepan and cook with the broth until it becomes rice. This process takes about 40 minutes, stirring occasionally so that the rice is cooked perfectly
After it is half cooked, add the chicken and stir until it is fully cooked.
Serve warm.

Avocado Popsicles

This toddler food menu is certainly preferred by toddlers because of its fresh taste. Every now and then, giving your little one ice doesn't hurt as a snack for children according to the toddler's eating schedule.
Here are the popsicle recipes for toddlers aged 2 years:
    1 avocado
    250 ml of water
    2 teaspoons of lemon juice
    500 ml of yogurt or milk (can be adjusted according to child's taste)
How to make
Mash avocado, water, and lemon using a blender.
After that, mix it with yogurt and stir until evenly distributed.
Place the iced ingredients in the ice stick mold and store in the freezer for 3 hours.
When removing the ice from the mold, run hot water over the outside of the mold to make it easier for the ice to pass.
Serve cold.

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